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Last Minute Appointments:


Being able to book last minute is a privileged convenience and I have been very open to booking appointments at the last minute, but this is becoming a bit of a challenge. There will be an additional $10 charge for booking last minute appointments.
*There will be times when I will accept last minute clients without the charge, these days and time will be posted on either Facebook or Twitter


Last minute Cancellations/NO CALL NO SHOW:


All cancellations need to me made no less than 24hrs before your scheduled appointment. If not there will be a $10 cancellation fee added to your next booked service. I understand that there are unforeseen circumstances that may lead you to have to cancel your appointment ie. death,illness, accidents.. In these cases the fee will be waived. A NO CALL NO SHOW will be charged an additional $15  your next booked appointment!!!




Being late to an appointment is a real inconvenience to me and other clients as this throws my schedule off for that entire day. There will be an additional $10 added to your service if you are more than 15 minutes late to your appointment. If you will be late PLEASE call me!!! If you do not call and decide to cancel or not to show at all to get out of paying the fee you will be charged an additional $10-15 your next booked appointment!!!​

** Multiple Cancellations may require a deposit at next appointment booking



Event/Special Occasion Booking

* Consultation required (no charge)
* Minimum of 1 Trial Run required ($20-25)
* Please have picture of dress,veil (if applicable) and hairstyle wanted
*Prices are starting/base price.. final cost provided at consultation



​Freelance/Gigs Booking​
* Base prices on linked website (link on ..Beyond The Salon) .. any additional included in confirmation
*Kit Fee $25
*Travel Fee (Locally only) First 20 miles free.. any additional miles $15 per 20 miles

* ADVERTISING - print ads, commercial,catalog
* LIVE ACTION - runway
* TELEVISION - sitcom, reality

©2012 Bruce Goldie Stevens

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